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 Right now, your internet connection is more important than ever. As providers of an essential service, we’re proud to continue our work installing, connecting and maintaining equipment. But safety is paramount. Many problems can be resolved remotely. Our support teams can talk you step-by-step through some simple routines which can usually resolve common problems. If we’re required to visit your home or office, we’ll need to confirm a few things first using the checklist you can download and print here. Once the checklist is complete, if you and our engineers are satisfied, we’ll carry out the work – with maximum attention to safe practice. If either of us has doubts, or we can’t fulfil the requirements of the checklist, we’ll discuss a Plan B with you. In some cases, we may decide it is safest not to proceed.
© Village Networks Ltd 2019
Village Networks is a company registered in England and Wales, no: 04603174, Registered Office:  88 Sheep Street, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 6LP.

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